

Book Development

If you need a more hands-on approach to writing a book, forming a writing habit, or shaping a story, this is the package for you! We go through the process of creating an outline, forming writing practices, plot development, content research and content tracking. Virtual meeting hours are available in this package. I am here from beginning to end. The cost is $50/hour until the end of contract.

Manuscript Evaluation

A Manuscript Evaluation takes a closer look at your work by giving you an in-depth analysis of your manuscript. With this, you receive feedback on what works well with your story, areas of improvement, editing strategy, and more. The cost is $45/hour until the end of contract.


Developmental Editing

Are you done with the first or second draft and need an outside look? This option provides an in-depth look through your work and provides assistance and feedback in book structure, plot, character improvement, and much more. The best part about this option is all the feedback you receive before moving on to re-working a subsequent draft. The cost is $40/hour until the end of contract.


Line Editing

Your second (or third or fourth) draft is done; now you need consistency, language tuning, grammar, clarity, and sentence structure editing. This is the nitty-gritty of editing. Sentences can always be restructured, language can always be improved. Line editing is all about mastering the author's voice. The cost is $35/hour until the end of contract.

Free 30-Minute Call

Not sure where to begin? Get in touch to schedule a free-30 minute zoom or voice call.