How do the rates work?

All rates vary from contract to contract. An hourly rate allows for flexibility and only hours spent working are hours billed.


  • Story Development……….$50/hour

  • Manuscript Evaluation...$45/hour

  • Developmental Editing……….$40/hour

  • Line Editing……….$35/hour

Are you a publisher?

I am not! I offer my services as an editor and writing coach. If you’d like to work with me through a publisher (where you have the liberty to create your own team), I’d be more than happy to help.

What is your process like?

The process differs from project to project, but typically it begins with a foundational phone call, a full reading of the manuscript, a manuscript evaluation, then editing. Depending on the project scope, you may request a Sample Edit.

How long does it take?

Turn around time for every project is different. Coaching can be ongoing. A full manuscript with developmental edits can take between 3-4 months and it all depends on the word count and where the work currently stands.

What genres do you edit?

My focus in mainly on fiction. My preferred subgenres are Adventure sci-fi, Paranormal & Romance, Sci-fi/fantasy combo, Urban Fantasy, & Contemporary Young Adult.

You can also find me with a good Memoir! I love helping others share their personal and unique stories.

Why hire you as an editor?

In order to assure that the services I provide fit your vision, please contact me. If you’re looking for great communication, an artistic eye, creative input, valuable critique, and encouragement for your writing career, then we might be a great fit.

Things you might look for in an editor:

  • Works within your genre

  • Feedback Style

  • Communication

  • Timeframe matches yours!

Do you use a style guide?

A style guide is a way for writers to follow along a specific structure that has been set out for them through their publishing company. My work mainly adheres to The Chicago Manual of Style for fiction and American Psychological Association Publication Manual (APA) for non-fiction.

*Please note if you’re working through a publisher they may release their own style guide.